Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Frist will not seek Presidential bid

Today, Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) has decided to pass on a bid to become President. This is believed to be due to his own ethical problems, as well as his party's poor showing a couple weeks ago, when Republicans lost control of the Senate.

Here is an excerpt form the AP:

"Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist renounced a bid for the White House in 2008 on Wednesday, an early dropout from the most wide-open presidential race in decades.

"In the Bible, God tells us for everything there is a season, and for me, for now, this season of being an elected official has come to a close," said the Tennessee Republican, a surgeon before he entered politics in 1994."

The full article can be read here.

Personally, I am glad that Bill Frist is not running. He has been a major part of the current government and a huge rubber stamp for George Bush. I would rather have a more independent-minded Presidential candidate from the Republican Party running, such as John McCain or Rudy Giuliani. Bill Frist's only break from George Bush has been on the issue of stem cell research, which the President proceeded to veto.

I also believe that Frist has huge problems regarding his blind trust fund and possible insider trading, which is a bad thing to have hanging over your head when ethics has become a big issue this election year. Let me know what you think.


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